I used to feel very guilty and sorry for the students of the afternoon classes, but then I excused myself by thinking I'm not a man wearing his shorts outside the long pants ( superman does). 我常常对下午课上的学生感到很抱歉,但是我想我又不是超人以此原谅了自己。
Now, summer is here and shorts and miniskirts mean that your shoes are no longer overshadowed by long pants and coats. 如今夏天到了,短裤和迷你裙意味着你的鞋子不会再因为长裤和外套的遮挡而黯然失色了。
Step 3 use v necks, long pants, monochromatic colors, vertical lines 第三步多用V字领、长裤、单一色、和竖线条的服饰
Styles for plus sizes, which range from 14 to 24, have long been characterized by down-market, back-of-the-store racks of drab tent-dresses, garishly decorated blouses and polyester pants. 长期以来,14码至24码的大码服装大多是放在商店后面货架上的低档服装&乏味的松身连衣裙、花哨的女衬衣和涤纶裤。
Short skirts, long jackets, leisure pants, sweater chain, necklace, hanging-style earrings, lingerie straps, fashion clothing. 短裙,长上衣,休闲长裤,毛衣链,项链,吊式耳环,内衣肩带,时尚服装等。
As the weather turned warmer, I could not understand why I still saw so many people wearing long-sleeved black or wool jackets, long pants and even gloves! 当天气更热的时候,我不明白为什么还有那么多人穿着长袖黑色上衣或毛衣、长裤子甚至还戴手套!
As soon as I left the bus, I headed for the bathroom to put on a pair of long pants and a sweater. 我们坐了两小时的车来到山脚,一下巴士,我直奔洗手间穿上长裤和毛衣。
I put all of my son's underwear, socks, long pants& long shirts in one drawer. 我把我儿子所有的内衣,袜子,长裤和长衬衫放在一个抽屉里。
All the other men were wearing long pants and nice shirts. 其他所有男人都穿长裤和很好的衬衫。
He is wearing long, black pants and a white shirt. 他正穿着黑色的长裤子和一件白色的衬衫。
Chinese people wear a long gown and pants. 中国人穿长衫和裤子。
We were warned to wear long pants and take sweaters for our climb. 人们曾告诉我们,上山要穿长裤,带毛衣。
They often don't like wearing long pants, long sleeves or jackets because they constantly feel the wrinkling of the fabric against their skin when they move their arms or legs. 他们通常不希望穿长裤,长袖衣服或者夹克,因为他们动手和脚的时候总会感觉到纤维蹭到皮肤。
They had to change into three quarter or long pants. 他们不得不改变为三个季度或长裤。
If your sport's suddenly being taken seriously, how come we're wearing long pants and you guys are still wearing shorts? 若是你俄然对活动动真格的,为什么我们都穿长裤了,你们还穿戴短裤?
I believe that long, oversized tops and slim pants were overdone. 我认为超长超肥的上衣搭配细腿裤的装备曾经大行其道。
We were very hungry, so when the food didn't come for a long time, we sat at the table with ants in our pants. 我们都很饿了,所以菜老不上来,我们都有点坐立不安了。
I said that the beverage is three long pants, they categorically said no. 我说的是裤长三尺三,人家斩钉截铁地说没有。
A very long time ago, I made the mistake of confessing to one sister that I had wet my pants while standing in our headmistress'sof-flee, and then blamed her dog. 很久以前,我犯过一个错误,就是告诉我妹妹我曾经在校长办公室尿湿了裤子,还怪罪那是校长的狗造成的。